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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Garden Gamble

It’s spring! The birds are in their most colorful plumage, hanging out in pairs. The fruit trees and early flowers are blooming. And I’m making plans for a garden. Spring comes, whether you plan for it or not. And yet I feel compelled to participate. Last year I grew gourds, which I made into birdhouses and hung this spring. We’ll see if the birds actually want to use them. I also put out feeders, so that I can see the pretty little house finches flit in and out. Last year,  we planted a cherry and a peach tree. This spring they’re both blooming. I’m hoping we’ll get at least a preview of the kind of fruit we can expect when they’re mature. And last year, I went to the Iris Society’s exhibit, and saw some amazing iris blooms. But the best part was that they had some of their divisions for sale. I picked up some from the bargain section, the ones where nobody was sure what color they might turn out to be. And so I was thrilled when they bloomed for the first time and turne